Used Postman to test VSOA endpoints to validate JSON data and format Pulling data out of database and returning in JSON format. Creattion of FHIR API for various data such as encounters, allergy, condition, composition, immunizations, etc.Using custom HL7 messages created along with standard message formats. Processing of HL7 messages in system and parsing data and storing elements needed using HAPI api.
#Clear netbeans cache in 9.0 code#
Participation in team code reviews, OOD meetings, coding meetings, and requirements gathering meetings from stakeholders for the purpose of designing systems that meet the requirements detailed.Develops and writes M-UNIT tests to test the mumps code to assert their functionality.

Creating backend code for new screens for searching for data based off criteria entered in the screen. Participate in getting entire MUMPS code and files ready for patch. Adding fields to files, adding new files, and updating routines for the surgery namespace per requirements needed. Enhancements and updates to the surgery package. Enhancements for vendor selection and display. Enhancing the claims processing code of VistA to process older claims and non- payment claims.
#Clear netbeans cache in 9.0 mac#
Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, Windows 7, Mac OS, Windows 10, Red Hat LinuxĪpplication Servers: Weblogic 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12c, JBoss, Tomcat 9.0 Languages: Java, J2EE, Ant, XML, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, MUMPS, HQL, Objective C, C#, Angular, AngularJS